RM Williams Raincoat

Gear Review

by Patricia Herbig

RM Williams Raincoat

What do you wear in a place where the weather can go through four seasons in a day? The rain blows side-ways – or even up! Everyone has an opinion about the best rain coats, hats and umbrellas. Some pick Burberry rain coats with their distinctive designs. I love my RM Williams waxed raincoat with a hood. Imported from Australia, it’s long and warm; it has kept out the rain which has tried to blow sideways up my skirt and tried to get in down my neck. It has inside and outside pockets for the million things I seem to carry with me when I’m out for the day. The downside: Unless you are tall and thin (which I am unfortunately not), you may well look like a brown waxed moving rectangle. The compensation for this: You will be warm and dry no matter what the weather!! RM Williams has a shop on Regent’s Street, just south of Oxford Circus, or you can visit them online at www.rmwilliams.com

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RainyDayTraveler.com accepts sample travel and weather-related products for review purposes, however we only write up products we like and can recommend. If we don’t feel we can recommend the product, we will not review it. If you have products that make traveling or putting up with the rain easier and you’d like to have your product considered for review by Rainy Day Traveler, contact us at raingear@rainydaytraveler.com, or send samples to:

Rain Gear Review, Rainy Day Traveler, 430 Obispo Ave. Box 201 , Long Beach , CA 90814

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