story and photos by Kayte Deioma
If it’s too rainy to take the kids to Disneyland you can give them a taste of Disney in Hollywood with a movie at El Capitan Theatre and a visit to the Disney Soda Fountain and Studio Store next door.
People often think about going to see a movie when the weather gets bad, and Hollywood certainly has its share of unique movie palaces. The three gems of Hollywood Boulevard, Grauman’s Chinese, the Egyptian and El Capitan, were all conceived and built by the development team of Sid Grauman and Charles Toberman in the 1920s. While any of the three will give you a glimpse into the Hollywood of old, if you’re traveling with kids, El Capitan is the place you want to be.
Originally built as a live theatre, El Capitan was remodeled and converted to a movie theatre in the 1940s. The Walt Disney Company bought it in 1989 and restored the East Indian interior and Spanish Colonial exterior to its original glory. Now the theatre shows only Disney movies, most rated G or PG.
Seeing a Disney movie in Disney’s flagship movie theatre is not like going to a Disney movie in your home town. At El Capitan you may feel like you are in the movie, because they’ve decorated the theatre with set decorations and props from a scene in the movie; or you may be greeted with a song and dance number by costumed characters from the film. You never know what the creative minds at Disney will come up with to enhance your movie-going experience.
in any case, you’re likely to be welcomed with an organ concert by one of El Capitan’s house organists on the gilded 4/37 Wurlitzer pipe organ at center stage. The 1929 Wurlitzer has four keyboards to operate its 2500 pipes arranged in 37 ranks on both sides of the theatre. Each rank represents a different musical instrument. Arrive at the theatre 45 minutes to an hour before the movie is scheduled to enjoy all the pre-show entertainment.
After the movie, stop by the Disney Soda Fountain and Studio Store next door for some ice cream, a malt or an old time phosphate. There’s an entrance to the Soda Fountain from the El Capitan lobby, so if it’s raining, you don’t even have to go out in the street. Prepare kids ahead of time with your shopping limits, because you have to walk through the Studio Store past all the tempting Disney movie merchandise to get to the Soda Fountain. There is seating at the counter of the old fashioned soda fountain, or at tables. There is also an ice cream cone window to the street.
The Disney Soda Fountain has a sundae for any size crowd from the $4.75 Junior Sundae to the $24.95 Mickey’s Masterpiece with 8 scoops of ice cream and lots of toppings served in a Sorcerer’s Apprentice dish that looks like a wizard’s hat. Some dishes are served in souvenir Disney bowls. The Soda Fountain serves home-made ice cream delivered weekly from the Dewar’s Ice Cream and Candy Shop in Bakersfield, California
In addition to the ice cream options, there are a few kid-friendly food options including a hot dog, a grilled cheese sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich shaped like Mickey Mouse. Adult selections are more limited with options changing month to month.
El Capitan has VIP and General Admission tickets. All center orchestra and center balcony seats are reserved for VIP ticket holders. For the VIP price of $22/seat, you get your selection of prime seating and you don’t have to wait in line. The General Admission tickets are a better deal, ranging from $10 for kids and seniors to $11 for Adult matinee tickets and $13 for Adult evening tickets. Shows do sell out, so it’s best to get your tickets ahead of time if you can. You can get advance tickets online at the El Capitan Home Page or call 1-800-DISNEY6. You can also preview the Disney Soda Fountain Menu before you go.
El Capitan Theatre
6838 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: 1-800-DISNEY6
Disney Soda Fountain and Studio Store
6834 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: 323-939-9024
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.